Halloween // need help on picking a halloween costume to wear to class for extra credit

Hi! So my professor said that if we wear a Halloween costume to class next week, we could get a full quiz worth of extra credit points. However, the whole class has to vote on the best costume. Obviously, I want to win and get those points but I'm at a loss for deciding what to wear. I would love for it to be something funny and unique. I'm a pretty random person myself. Of course, it would have to be something that everyone in the class would get and understand. I don't have social media (only logged onto my reddit account to ask this question) so I don't really know the trends and memes and pop culture moments as of late. If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them! As long as it doesn't involve makeup, it should be fine. Thanks so much and I'm looking forward to hearing from you

Edit: my original costume for Halloween was going to be a rock lobster (yes, as in the B52s song). I was going to wear a lobster onesie and make some sort of rock formation to wear on top, all the while blasting the infamous song. But I don't think people in my class would really get it...
