Halloween // In Search of Movie

I am making this post because I have been searching for a movie, or show, that I can only remember clips of. I am not sure if it is Halloween themed, but it does include Grim Reapers, skeletal features, and a spooky factor, so hopefully that allows this post to remain in this forum.

My older sister watched this movie/show when I was around 10 years old, I am currently 23 so it was in the late 2000’s, early 2010’s. (I’m going to refer to it as a movie from here on out, even though I am unsure which one it is). The movie was made before 2015 for sure, and I do not remember the title, or any actors that were in it. Here is what I remember:

  • There is a girl who is either a teenager, or in her early 20s, who is the baby sitter, or nanny, of a boy and a girl. Both the boy and the girl are between the ages of 8-14 roughly. The baby sitter potentially has brown hair, I am not quite sure.
  • There is a threat that the baby sitter has to protect the children from.
  • The baby sitter meets with a cloaked figure in a room that is filled with antique and unique looking hour glasses. The room is filled with shelves upon shelves filled with these hour glasses that are all at different levels. Either the shelves themselves are brown and made of wood, or the hourglasses are.
  • The end scene, or at least the scene that I remember being the ending, is of the baby sitter, sitting on the end of one of the children’s beds. The boy and the girl share a room, they each have their own twin sized bed, and the head of the bed is placed against the wall on the right side of the movie screen, there is a night stand between the beds, and a window adjacent to the beds. The baby sitter is talking with the children, and when she leaves, and faces towards the light, half of her face is revealed to be skeletal, indicating that she has become a grim reaper. I am not quite sure how she leaves the bedroom, her exit was either through the window, or she left through the bedroom door, and was seen walking down the street through the window. Either way, after revealing that she is a grim reaper, she leaves and she is seen walking down the street through the children’s bedroom window. The street is straight forward from the window, so she is seen walking into the distance.

I hope this is enough information for someone to help me find this movie. I have since asked my sister about this movie, and she is unsure of it, and cannot remember ever watching something like this.
