Halloween // The Haunted Mansion finally getting the justice it deserves??

Unpopular opinion time: I think that Eddie Murphy killed The Haunted Mansion.

Don't get me wrong, I dearly love THM. It's also my all time favorite Halloween song and I blast that shit yearly. I love the story and I'm obsessed with the visuals and aesthetics of it all. If I'm ever stupid rich, I'm building a real-life replica of it, moving in, and never leaving.

That being said, casting Eddie Murphy to play Eddie Murphy was like filming a movie in the catacombs of Rome, bringing Vincent Price back to life to star in the film, and then dressing the entire cast in discount Hot Topic apparel.

I absolutely DESPISE his stupid campy character. All he did was play himself and have ridiculous one liners and deliver stupid cheap humor. Everyone else was amazing. I was shipping the dead guy and his wife waaay more than obnoxious Jim and his ðŸ˜Ū gold star model of a wife. Like, what even?? Why is she with him!? Girl, grab the dead guy, your kids, and kick the manbaby to the curb.

And omg, the kids! Even if the movie had just been the kids it would have been so much cuter. Kid me would have loved a movie about 2 siblings getting lost and exploring a beautiful haunted mansion. But NooOo, let's make the main character an insufferable clichÃĐ funny guy and have his dialog pollute what could have been a Halloween masterpiece.

Needless to say, I am PUMPED for the remake!! And its being filmed in the very appropriate and beautiful New Orleans 😍 I pray to the Disney gods that they don't fuck this one up with a popular actor that doesn't fit the setting one bit and can only contribute a popular name for the credits.

Sorry for the rant! Just had to vent and enthuse somewhere, haha
