Halloween // Stingy Jack

Many centuries ago, there was a Irish drunk known to many as ‘Stingy Jack.’ Jack was known throughout the land as a deceiving lying manipulator. On one fateful night, Satan overheard the tale of Jack's evil deeds. Unconvinced of the rumours, Satan went to find out for himself whether or not Jack lived up to his vile reputation. Typical of Jack, he was again intoxicated as he wandered the Irish countryside when he came upon a cobblestone pathway. On the pathway, he saw a dark outline of a figure. This turned out to be Satan himself. Jack had realized that this was the end. Satan had finally come to collect his devious soul. So Jack asked him for one last request. Jack had asked Satan to let him have a final drink before he departed to Hell. Satan had no reasons not to deny the request, so Satan took Jack to the local bar and supplied him with his last alcoholic beverage. Upon Jack’s wish being fulfilled, Jack asked Satan to pay the tab on the drink, much to Satan's surprise. Satan had agreed, saying ‘Not that I expect much more from you.’ Jack convinced Satan to metamorphose himself into a silver coin with which to pay the bartender. Satan then did so, impressed by Jack's devious and nefarious tactics. Jack stuck the now transmogrified Satan into his pocket, which also contained a crucifix. The crucifix's presence kept Satan from escaping into his original form. Satan being trapped, he had to agree to Jack's demand. In exchange for Satan's freedom, he had to spare Jack's soul for one more year. One year after the date Jack originally struck their deal, he again found himself in Satan's presence. Jack happened upon Satan in the same setting as before, as he accepted it was his time to go to Hell for good. As Satan prepared to take him to Hell, Jack asked if he could have one apple as his final meal. Foolishly, Satan again agreed to this request. As Satan and Jack walked to the nearest apple tree, Satan grabbed a apple. As he did so, Jack placed crucifixes around the tree. Satan was again trapped. Satan, frustrated at the fact that he had been trapped again, demanded his release. As Jack did before, he made a demand: that his soul is to never be taken into Hell. Having no choice, Satan agreed and was set free. Like all earthly things, Jack eventually died. As he prepared to enter Heaven, God turned him down. He then went to hell, but Satan had made him a deal. He was never to enter Hell either. So, Satan grabbed a flame from the fires of Hell and placed it in a hallow turnip. He gave it to Jack as a light to see as he will forever wander the earth at night. Many have claimed to see him after that, as he got his name: Jack of The Lantern.
