Halloween // No really, we're going to have to save this Halloween.

Friends, the last time I went trick-or-treating was a surreal experience 6 weeks after 9/11.

I was, in fact, a grown-ass adult living on the West Coast at the time. Thousands of miles from the events of 9/11, yet still parents feared the unknown. And since Oct 31 was a Wednesday, almost no kids went out. This was the first big "going out" holiday since 9/11, and while there were adult-oriented events things on the weekend, the radio and TV were full of people making it sound like every fun sized Butterfinger had a 50/50 chance of being a tiny plastic wrapper full of jihadists.

I dressed up and went out with a couple friends who also appreciate Halloween, just to see what was going on. The streets were empty, with a fair number of porch lights on. Sure, some people rightly asked us why we were so old - but we were there for solidarity and didn't ask for candy. We just wanted to say trick or treat to keep up the tradition. 100% serious, for some, 3 adults were the only trick-or-treaters they got all night.

Obviously this year won't be the same as 2001, but as /u/Zen-bunny correctly posted, it's going to be weird. An election only days later, a second wave of covid possibly.... Those of us that love Halloween will need to help make this year better than I might be without us.

Some ideas I'll throw out there:

  • Get amazing candy. Be the house with the King-Sized candy bars like you're a truck stop.

  • Be willing to be outside, in the open. Don't make kids knock on a door that everyone touches, in a more enclosed space. This is just as much to keep parents feeling less anxious as it is to prevent being a disease vector.

  • Decorate. I'm preaching to the choir here, but decorate tastefully. Maybe avoiding anything that might also be insensitive for those on your block that might have lost loved ones this year.

  • Wear a costume with full facial coverage and gloves. Werewolf. Stormtrooper. Shredder or a Ninja Turtle. Praise kids (and adults) that have costumes with masks, too.

Good luck, and stay spooky, my friends!
