Halloween // My worst Halloween experience

The year was 2003. I was 9 years old and in 4th grade. Halloween was on a Friday, and most teachers at my school wore costumes. Most notably, my homeroom teacher dressed up as Snow White, and my old 3rd grade teacher (a Mr.) dressed up as Miss Viola Swamp (the mean substitute teacher) from the Miss Nelson books!

Anyway, when I got home, I had a Harry Potter costume, consisting of a long robe and glasses. I may or may not have had his scar drawn on my forehead. I was a fan back then.

However, the costume was both a blessing and a curse. That night, my trick-or-treating adventure with my parents and sister initially went well. While going to the next block, I did some running, possibly to catch up with my other family members, and then I tripped on my robe, fell and landed on both hands. I got some bad road rash and became SO upset! My dad ended up taking me home while my mom and sister continued trick-or-treating.

At home, I got my wounds cleaned up and bandaged. This Halloween was upsetting to my parents as well. As a result, I never wore a costume with a long robe ever again. That was simply not practical, especially in the dark of the night.

Have you had a similar experience?
